Monday, April 6, 2009

"The Clique" Lisi Harrison Major Motion Picture

How many of us have ever dealt with a Massie Block? I know that we all have, she is the most popular girl in school and truly a leader of the preps. The book is a true example of how being he outsider can really be. The story unfolds as Claire moves from Florida into Massie’s families’ guest house. This young girl is not someone that Massie would choose to hang out with. Initially in the story you can tell that Massie is not happy about the situation. Massie is a rich girl and Claire is not. The movie provides a great betrayal of this as well. Claire shoes up in sneakers and overalls. Massie however is the fashion queen and she is not impressed with the Claire and makes it clear to her Clique of friends that Claire is not suppose to be in their circle of friends. Massie creates a daily journal that states what is in and out. Throughout the book Claire attempts to fit and be a part of Claire’s inner circle. She does seek revenge as she tricks Massie and uses her computer to send emails back and forth with Massie’s group of friends that are not very nice at all. The tables do get turned and Massie learns of Claire’s tricks and she is out to get her. This book and movie demonstrates the insecurities of the in crowd and the hope to fit into a group. The main point of the book is that teenage life can be difficult and that sometimes it is nice to be around someone that is different from us and not a follower. The movie provides accurate details of how the girls act and the visual creation of the book. Massie in the end begins to accept Claire even though she does not like to admit it. The book and movie leave you wondering what will happen next. This book is the first in the series. I would recommend this book to young teeenage girls to see that it is not always so important to fit in.

Movie Picture Reference:

Book Reference:

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